Monday, December 8, 2008

Winter Formal

It was Winter Formal this last weekend and Lindsay and a bunch of friends went. Her date was her boyfriend Geoff. We had to track the kids down so that we could get group pictures, and of course the girls were late getting ready, and a few didn't even make it for pictures. They all looked so nice, this was the first time that Lindsay and I fell in love with the same dress - thank goodness. They went with 8 other couples to BJ's for dinner then on to the dance. When theres good music, she can't help but dance and by the end of the dance her make-up is about gone and her hair is straight again, so she said they had a lot of fun. But it seems like with every dance, the end is near and she will be graduating, its like this big count down that I'm not ready for. But she is making the most of her senior year, and hopefully making herself a lot of memories.

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